September 8, 2016

CBot is expanding!

After successful prototype development CBot is expanding its R&D staff to complete the product development.

November 11, 2015

CBot is awarded ÅForsk/SISP grant as one of Sweden’s top-ranked start-ups

On November 10, Sweden’s ten most innovative entrepreneurs was presented by ÅForsk in cooperation with SISP – Swedish Incubators & Science Parks. Fredrik Viksten and CBot was one of the winners in competition with over 100 companies and recieved an entrepreneur scholarship of SEK 200 000. The purpose of the scholarship is to promote entrepreneurship.

October 28, 2015

Field tests of market disruptive machine for automatic tiling has started

After several years of research, CBot has now finished the development of the first prototype of a machine for automatic tiling. In collaboration with Golvimporten Entreprenad AB, and under funding from SBUF and Vinnova, an intensive test period has now started, where the first field test will be at the construction site of the Östenssons.

May 29, 2015

CBot gets ready for field tests under SBUF funding!

Together with Golvimporten Entreprenad AB, CBot has been awarded funding from SBUF (approx. the Swedish construction industry’s joint development fund) for field trials of CBot’s highly innovative and market disruptive machine for automatic tiling of large floors. The project is set to start during the autumn 2015.

November 1, 2014

CBot expands its work force

With the goal to speed up the development of the worlds first automatic tiling machine, CBot has now signed a contract with Victor Johansson. Victor has a Master in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University.

April 24, 2014

CBot awarded major Vinnova funding

CBot has received major funding of 2 million SEK from ByggInnovationen. The goal with the project is to develop the worlds first prototype of a machine for automatic tiling of large floors. CBot will co-fund with 50% and the total project budget is 4 million SEK. The plan is to finish the development of the.

November 15, 2013

CBot wins national contest for “Product innovation of the year”!

Companies from all over Sweden participated in the contest “Product Innovation of the Year” in the fall of 2013. Friday, 15 November at 12:30 it was announced that CBot won first prize and 100 thousand SEK at an awards ceremony in conjunction with the “Elmia Subcontractor” fair. The jury consisted of representatives of Prodelox, Almi.