Nov 11

CBot is awarded ÅForsk/SISP grant as one of Sweden’s top-ranked start-ups


On November 10, Sweden’s ten most innovative entrepreneurs was presented by ÅForsk in cooperation with SISP – Swedish Incubators & Science Parks. Fredrik Viksten and CBot was one of the winners in competition with over 100 companies and recieved an entrepreneur scholarship of SEK 200 000. The purpose of the scholarship is to promote entrepreneurship linked to research and university environment, and the entrepreneurs behind CBot has a strong connection to the University of Linköping.

We want to encourage ambitious entrepreneurs operating in the country’s innovative ecosystem to implement and enforce their ideas so that the market is reached by new products and solutions. This scholarship is part of this commitment from ÅForsks side,
Anders Snell, Executive Director ÅForsk.
We have received many qualified applications and the competition in the selection process has been tough. These companies represent some of tomorrow’s innovative business ideas and knowledge-based businesses that will create jobs and not least significant new export and investment opportunities for Sweden.
Magnus Lundin, President SISP