Oct 28

Field tests of market disruptive machine for automatic tiling has started

After several years of research, CBot has now finished the development of the first prototype of a machine for automatic tiling. In collaboration with Golvimporten Entreprenad AB, and under funding from SBUF and Vinnova, an intensive test period has now started, where the first field test will be at the construction site of the Östenssons supermarket in Skänninge. Further two more field tests are planned for the following months.

This is a very important milestone in the history of our company. I’m looking forward to see the results of these tests and the experience we will gain from the coming field tests will be very important for our future development.
Robert Söderberg, CEO CBot

During field tests, we will also cooperate with representatives from Skanska, Strabag, as well as the industry associations Golvbranschen and Byggkeramikrådet.

